Sometimes clients want rapid design iterations for an initial impression for a project. Speed painting is one of the techniques employed to generate many ideas in a short amount of time.

(Warning Graphic) Horror events from early concepts of Black Haze Studio's We Exist game. Photoshop by Jeff Yu

Create encounter concepts for Pulsework's Cosmos Coaster VR experience. Photoshop by Jeff Yu

Train station concepts for Black Haze Studios' We Exist game. Photoshop by Jeff Yu

Warehouse concepts for Black Haze Studios' We Exist game. Photoshop by Jeff Yu

Speed paint concepts in 4 hours created for Delta Airline's Skypainter VR experience.

Value based speed paint exploration of all 4 zones from Pulsework's Dino Island VR experience.

Train station concepts for Black Haze Studios' We Exist game. Photoshop by Jeff Yu

Train station concepts for Black Haze Studios' We Exist game. Photoshop by Jeff Yu

Train station concepts for Black Haze Studios' We Exist game. Photoshop by Jeff Yu

Train station concepts for Black Haze Studios' We Exist game. Photoshop by Jeff Yu

Train station concepts for Black Haze Studios' We Exist game. Photoshop by Jeff Yu

Train station concepts for Black Haze Studios' We Exist game. Photoshop by Jeff Yu

Warehouse concepts for Black Haze Studios' We Exist game. Photoshop by Jeff Yu

Warehouse concepts for Black Haze Studios' We Exist game. Photoshop by Jeff Yu

Warehouse concepts for Black Haze Studios' We Exist game. Photoshop by Jeff Yu

Warehouse concepts for Black Haze Studios' We Exist game. Photoshop by Jeff Yu

Exploratory value based sketch for an unreleased video game project by Black Haze Studios.

1 hour Speed paint completed while eating during lunch time.
I do regular painting studies with photographs or artwork by classical masters to understand the way light, color,
and texture interact on a page. I spend anywhere from 1-2 hours for each piece.